At 18 months old, Batoka was rescued from being stranded on an island in the Zambezi River. He was found alone, weak and malnourished by pilots from ‘Batoka Sky’. With amazing support from local operators (Livingstone’s Adventures, Bushtracks and Bundu Adventures), ZAWA (now DNPW) and additional manpower, he was rescued and transferred by road to EOP.
After the extended isolation, it took Batoka about six months to recover physically and emotionally – his body repaired itself with the nutrient rich milk provided, but Batoka found it hard to reintegrate with other elephants. The poor little calf had become very depressed due to his experience, but thanks to the love and attention poured on him by Chamilandu and the other orphans, he became part of the family, and developed at a healthy rate.
Batoka is now the oldest and biggest male of the herd in the Kafue Release Facility. He wears a GPS collar and is able to roam free together with Chamilandu, exploring the wilderness of Kafue National Park.
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